Trigger IFTTT Action

Plone Content Rules are a powerful mechanism to automate dealing with content using conditions and actions. It will automatically perform an action when certain events (known as “triggers”) takes place under desired condition.

Collective.ifttt contains a new content rule action, IFTTT Trigger, that posts an event to the IFTTT web service when a content rule’s conditions are satisfied.

Content rules with the IFTTT Trigger is used to implement the IFTTT triggers, which is a powerful mechanism to automate dealing with 3rd party web services that collective.ifttt provides (Content Trigger, Event Trigger, etc.)

You can create your own custom IFTTT trigger event by combining the IFTTT Trigger content rule action with your own conditions

Creating and Defining Content Rules

Following the instructions given on the Plone documentation link. Create a content rule as follows and assign it to a folder on your site (or at the site root):

  • Triggering event: Object modified
  • Condition: Content type equals News Item
  • Action: Select “IFTTT Trigger” from the drop down menu and click on the “Add” button.
  • From the “Add IFTTT Trigger” page, fill out the form:
  • For the “IFTTT applet name” enter: the IFTTT applet which you want to trigger.
  • Choose the 3rd payload from available options (values of which will be dynamically fetched from the content which trigger this action) :
    • description - Description/Summary of content
    • username - Username of Editor
    • start - Event Start Date/Time
  • Click the “Save” button.

Data sent to IFTTT applet

In the data sent to IFTTT, following payload (values) will be dynamically included (for which content on the site this content rule triggers):

  • Title
  • absolute_url
  • Chosen 3rd Payload

Working example of IFTTT Trigger

Now that following the Plone Content Rule we can see IFTTT Trigger in action.

For example, below we will create a new news item and further update it’s content to trigger IFTTT send_email applet.

Create news item

  • Select Add new - news item
  • Fill in form for new news. And click save.

Update news item

  • Select Edit for news item.
  • Update news item. And click save.

Triggered the IFTTT Applet
